Welcome to Garden Tours
Our programme of garden tours has come a long way since we launched our first tours to the Madeira Flower Festival in 2003. Their success led us to seek out other enchanting gardens throughout Europe and beyond. Over the years we have added a number of new tours to Spain, Portugal and Italy in particular. We always bear in mind that these tours are holidays, so we do try and ensure that there is the right balance of garden visits and free time. We also recognize that you are probably interested in more than just gardens, so we do include visits to places of interest in the area, where possible.
For 2018 we have again a number of tour leaders with special knowledge of certain destinations. Suzanne Gaywood, MBE, organizer of Grenada at Chelsea and RHS Gold Medal Winner escorts our tours to Grenada. The author of ‘Great Gardens of Spain’ escorts our tours to Spain.
In addition to their knowledge, which they will pass on during these tours, these tour leaders help us gain access to gardens that are not generally open to the public. They also help design the tours so you really obtain an ‘insiders’ view of the places you are visiting.
So for 2018 we once again look forward to welcoming you on one or more of our holidays.
With best wishes
Peter Moxley – General Manager